Impact Over Everything

  • "We were notified by Mr. Alan that Anderson Outreach had our family on their Christmas list. There are low times when you think no one cares if your kids have enough. There are times when you can’t figure out who to go to in times of need. We didn’t have to search for anyone. Anderson Outreach found us! The gifts this year were very special, and it made us smile. "

    Anonymous Parent

  • "I just want to say thank you to the Anderson Outreach team for the gift cards at Christmas! Around the holidays, I already knew my parents didn't have enough. We were so surprised to get the phone call letting us know we had gifts. Christmas was much brighter for me and my sisters this year. Thank you!"

    Anonymous Youth

Mother hugging a depressed foster child

A Message from our Chairman

Someone once said, “Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life that you can barely remember what life would be like without them.” Anderson Outreach wants to be ‘those’ people for equity-impacted youth (EIY) in the Carolinas. We are a safety net for EIY who have been traumatized, abandoned, and haunted by life’s disappointments.

Many adolescents we serve move multiple times a year until they reach 18. They are displaced from their homes and placed into the system. They are separated from siblings, friends, and loved ones.  The youth are in and out of hospitals due to behaviors and mental health diagnoses. Far too often, some are transported to unfamiliar treatment facilities, group homes, and foster homes with clothing on their backs and personal belongings strewn in garbage bags. 

Some were adopted along with their siblings, only to be “returned to sender” like an unwanted package due to the family’s change of heart. Typically, young adults anticipate their 18th birthday with excitement; it is a rite of passage they have been preparing for their entire lives.  EIYs approach this milestone with fear, hopelessness, anxiety, and desperation when their TIME IS UP at the facility they call home.  In the back of their minds, they know that they are ill-prepared to thrive in our society.  They lose their care team, court-appointed guardians, and trusted staff.  They brace themselves for another fall that is typically triggered by painful transitions. 

With foresight, our compassionate team is committed to intercepting any fall into insurmountable difficulties that could lead to self-neglect, sex trafficking, becoming unhoused, and even suicide.

Let's make a beautiful impact if your heartstrings align with ours! JOIN US as we forge a safety net that provides a margin of support and security for (EIYs) in the Carolinas.  Together, we will help them write a new chapter in their lives.

Impact over Everything,

Alesia K. Fleming